Sunday 12 February 2012

Download You Like This: The Facebook Marketing Guide

If you’re not on Facebook you don’t exist. Anyone trying to market a business, product, band or some other public figure knows this, and that they need to “get a Facebook presence” because “Facebook is huge”. That’s great, but how do you get started?
By reading the latest free manual,

“You Like This: The Facebook Marketing Guide”from bilal tanveer dar  own Angela Alcorn. This guide explains everything you need to know about promoting yourself, your business or your ideals on Facebook.
In order to make the best of Facebook for marketing, you’ll need to understand the tools available, how they’re used, best practices and how to set the tools up. But that’s just the start. Once you start piecing together this puzzle you’ll be able to manage your marketing efforts across multiple Facebook products with ease and style. Angela’s guide outlines all this and more, so download now.

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