Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Download complete guide how to build A gaming Pc

Gaming can be an expensive hobby, especially the hardware. By building your own PC, you will be able to save up to a couple hundred bucks.
In this guide, we’ll familiarize you with all the different computer components, from a gamer’s point of view.
Instead of telling you what to buy, we’ll teach you how to weigh and judge these individual components.
In 27 illustrated pages, get to know your RAM from your CPU, and learn how to pick a decent graphics card. Once you’re done with it you’ll be able to buy the right components for your soon self-built PC.

Download the unofficial Privacy guide for Facebook

Time to lock your Facebook settings and private profile information. Facebook doesn’t make this easy, however; features are constantly added and the default for each new one seems to favor transparency instead of privacy.
This handy guide outlines everything you could ever want to know about locking down your privacy on Facebook,
and a few things you probably didn’t even know you wanted to know. There are a bunch of important but not so obvious things regarding Facebook privacy.
If you use Facebook you should read this guide, if only to understand how public most of your information is.
please share this guide with your facebook friends so that they can be secure online

Data Backup & Data Restore Guide

Disasters happen. Unless you’re okay with losing all of your data, you need a good backup system. If you know this but haven’t got around to setting up backup on your PC, this is the guide to read.

“Stuff Happens: The Backup and Restore Guide” outlines everything you need to regularly back up your PC. Author Tina Sieber outlines backup strategies, what to backup and what tools to use for the job.
Backups are necessary because data has value. Whether this is sentimental, commercial, or legal value, a backup is a way of securing valuable information. The worst loss would be files of which we own the only copy in existence, such as personal documents or photos.
Protect these priceless files. Back them up. This guide can teach you how.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

iphone 4s unthetered jailbreak

It’s here! The iPhone 4S and iPad 2 untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 was just released after months of anticipation, and months of hard work by pod2g and the rest of the leaders in the jailbreak community.

A huge thanks is owed to the dream team of hackers including pod2g, p0sixninja, MuscleNerd, planetbeing, Saurik, and no-doubt countless others.

Take a look inside for more details surrounding this groundbreaking moment…

Facts: This is the first jailbreak, untethered or otherwise for the iPhone 4S. The iPhone 4S was released last October, so it took about 3 months for a jailbreak to come to fruition.

This is the second jailbreak for the iPad 2. The first was Comex’s Jailbreakme for iOS 4.3.3. It took a bit over 4 months for the first iPad jailbreak to be released, so the iPhone 4S jailbreak was actually released fairly quick.

The iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak is compatible with the following:

iPad 2 running iOS 5.0.1
iPhone 4S running iOS 5.0 or 5.0.1
As previously noted, there will be three jailbreak tools released that are all capable of jailbreaking the iPhone 4S and iPad 2. They are as follows:

Absinthe – A traditional graphical user interface jailbreak tool
Dev Team CLI – A command line inteface that’s great for troubleshooting.
RedSn0w – The Dev Team’s traditional graphical user inteferface used for jailbreaking. This will be released sometime later after the CLI.

Download GreenPois0n Absinthe Now

The Chronic Dev-Team has released an update to its Absinthe jailbreak utility that brings support for Mac OS X 10.5 (Intel + PPC).

What's New in Version 0.4

• Mac: added support for OSX 10.5, PPC and Intel CPU
• added consistency check on startup to make sure required files are in place
• Windows: fixed bug in payload generator that might cause a crash

  • Absinthe v0.4 (Win)
  • Absinthe v0.4 (Mac)
  • Absinthe v0.4 (Linux)
  • ========================================

    Making sure your device is connected, double-click Absinthe to launch it. You will see the Absinthe home screen, and Absinthe should tell you your device (and firmware version) is detected. Press the Jailbreak button.

    Absinthe will then go through a few status messages while it jailbreaks your device. It will stop for a bit at Waiting for reboot - not done yet, don't unplug your device yet!, and once the device has finished rebooting it will continue the jailbreak. Do not touch or unplug the device during this process.

    Once the process has finished in Absinthe, it will alert you to unlock the screen if necessary and tap the "Absinthe" icon to finish the jailbreak. Remember, the icon may not be on the first page - scroll to find it.

  •  **NOTE: If you haven’t yet heeded the advice I gave weeks ago – before you take one step further, upgrade your firmware to iOS 5.0.1 NOW! (Unless you need an iPhone4s Unlock) Also, we don’t mean to beat you over the head with this warning, but please remember: you should not update to iOS 5.0.2 when it’s released, or you will lose your jailbreak!
  • One thing that wasn't mentioned that you guys need to keep in mind is that when Crapple releases iOS 5.1 or iOS 5.0.2, there is gonna be NO WAY to restore your A5 device to iOS 5.0.1 even if you have your SHSH Blobs saved! Currently there is still no solution to restoring A5 devices using SHSH Blobs, not with TinyUmbrella, Cydia, or iFaith! So when Crapple stops signing iOS 5.0.1 and you need to restore your A5 Device (iPhone 4S or iPad 2) then you're gonna be shit outa luck as the only thing you will be able to restore to is iOS 5.0.2 or iOS 5.1 This is going to be a very "FRAGILE Jailbreak" so to speak so keep that in mind as you're gonna have to be very careful what you install on your device and to not install stuff from untrusted sources as they could possibly cause your device to crash!

    Regardless you should ALWAYS save your SHSH Blobs using TinyUmbrella just to make sure that you have them so if and when a restore solution is found you will most certainly need them to do that.

Download You Like This: The Facebook Marketing Guide

If you’re not on Facebook you don’t exist. Anyone trying to market a business, product, band or some other public figure knows this, and that they need to “get a Facebook presence” because “Facebook is huge”. That’s great, but how do you get started?
By reading the latest free manual,

“You Like This: The Facebook Marketing Guide”from bilal tanveer dar  own Angela Alcorn. This guide explains everything you need to know about promoting yourself, your business or your ideals on Facebook.
In order to make the best of Facebook for marketing, you’ll need to understand the tools available, how they’re used, best practices and how to set the tools up. But that’s just the start. Once you start piecing together this puzzle you’ll be able to manage your marketing efforts across multiple Facebook products with ease and style. Angela’s guide outlines all this and more, so download now.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Download The Complete Beginners Guide To Joomla

Have you ever wanted to create your own website, but not confident that you have the skills to create one yourself?
I am proud to announce The Complete Beginner’s Guide To Joomla which is now available to download for free.

Thanks to this 40+ page guide, you can easily create your own, professional website within minutes. This guide will teach you how to use Joomla CMS and create your own professional websites.

Download Link (pdf)

How to use Your iPad complete guide tips tricks

The iPad may not have changed the world of computing quite yet, but it is still a pretty nifty device. An e-book reader, a newspaper, an entertainment center and a workstation, this device can do a lot in a very small package.
Want to get more out of your iPad?
Check out “iPad: a Magical and Revolutionary Guide”, the latest manual Featuring the 40 best free apps for the iPad, this easy-to-follow guide contains a treasure trove of information that will make using your tablet that much easier. Learn the ins and outs of the market’s premier tablet, for free!
Whether you’re a casual iPad user looking to learn a bit more, or an iPad addict wanting to get the most you possibly can, our “Magical and Revolutionary Guide” is the manual you’re looking for. Best of all, it’s free!
(Tip: after downloading, drag the PDF file to iTunes to read this guide in iBooks!)

Download as ePub (iPad, Nook, Kobo etc)